Artwork Specifications & Templates

We accept artwork by e-mail up to 15MB in file size. For larger files, please use DropBox, Google Drive or other file sharing service to send artwork. Please send artwork or links by email to the contact managing your job.

When supplying artwork for printing purposes, we kindly ask that all artwork adhere to the guidelines set out below. Artwork that fails to meet these specifications will incur a graphic design fee, unless proper artwork is re-supplied.

High-resolution PDF file format is preferred. Please ensure to include bleeds and crop marks (where necessary), embed images and convert all fonts to curves/outlines.

Accepted File Formats

PDF/EPS (preferred – vector high-resolution artwork)

JPG/TIFF/PNG (raster/bitmap photos/artwork)

AI/PSD/CDR (native artwork with fonts converted to outlines/curves and all images embedded)

DOC/WPD/TXT (for text/copy related items)


All supplied raster/bitmap files (JPG/TIFF/PNG/PSD) must have a minimum of 300dpi resolution and/or be large enough in original size (at standard 72dpi) to be printed clearly at 300pdi.

File Size

We ask that all individual raster/bitmap photos/artwork (JPG/TIFF/PNG) be supplied at the largest (original) size possible to best accommodate large printing requirements. When designing artwork, it is generally considered good practice to resample raster/bitmap photos/artwork to a size that matches the final printed artwork in order to keep the file sizes as low as possible. This can be done manually using image editing software or through the compression settings when exporting a PDF.

Colour Mode

All print-ready vector-based artwork (PDF/EPS/AI/CDR) must be supplied in CMYK colour mode unless specific Pantone spot colours are required. Raster/bitmap photos/artwork may be supplied in RGB or CMYK colour modes.


Bleeds are necessary to include in all supplied artwork where the artwork is printed to the edge of the page. We ask that a minimum of 1/8” (0.125”) of bleed is included beyond the trimmed edge of the page, where necessary, and accompanied by crop marks if possible (see below).

Crop Marks

Crop marks are not necessary but generally nice to include, especially with high-resolution vector PDF/EPS artwork that also require bleeds.


All fonts must be embedded in PDF/EPS formats and converted to outlines/curves in AI/PSD/CDR formats.

Artwork Templates

Below are an assortment of downloadable templates of commonly printed items.  Please use or refer to these templates if you are supplying artwork to be printed.

Please contact us at 705-726-5550 or if you have any questions about artwork specifications or concerns when transferring your files to us.