Rubber Stamps

Gage customized rubber stamps are made with the highest industry standards to provide you with a rubber stamp you’ll use for years to come. Our stamps are made with high-quality materials and custom-built for your needs. Whether you need them for the office, packaging, contact information, or even instructions, our stamps can replace all of your repetitive writing needs.

rubber stamps

Stamps are a must have around the office.
From processing cheques, dating forms, and marking important documents, stamps have endless uses around the office.

  • Legal stamps
  • Deposit stamps
  • Signature stamps
  • Date stamps
  • Address stamps
  • Numbering stamps

Stamps are an excellent low cost option for branding on
bags and boxes. Let us create a custom logo stamp
for all of your packaging.

  • Product advertisement stamps
  • Logo stamps
  • Contact info stamps
  • Date Stamps

In manufacturing stamps are very useful for marking parts, putting
information on forms, and marking dates. Help your operation run smooth
with a custom stamp.

  • Best before date stamps
  • Numbering stamps
  • Part stamps
  • Date Stamps

Quality control is very important for any manufacturer. Let us help you
keep track with individual employee identification stamps. You can also
use stamps to mark parts or items as inspected and mark important dates.

  • Product stamps
  • Date stamps
  • Checked stamps
  • Identification stamps

Order your custom stamps today! Send requests to

We look forward to hearing from you. We know you have a lot of options when looking at print shops, but none will provide the service and quality that Gage Print & Packaging does. Please fill out the contact form to set up your initial consultation and and see how Gage can improve your promotional printing and packaging.

We Gage our success by your success!